Free Tutoring in Indiana

Route to Reading is an official provider of the Indiana Learns grant program, which provides 4th through 8th grade students with free tutoring services.

The deadline to enroll is December 20th, 2024 visit the Indiana Learns website or complete the form below to get started. 

Smiling pretty female teenage high school student looking at camera with stack of books in library. Back to school, back to college, knowledge, learning, education, teens concept

To qualify for the Indiana Learns program, a student must meet ALL of the following criteria:

Student resides in Indiana.

Student is currently enrolled in and attending an Indiana School.

Student qualifies for federal free or reduced lunch.

Student scored below proficiency in both Mathematics or English/language arts on ILEARN as a third or fourth-grade student in the spring of 2023.

The December 20th, 2024 deadline to activate your grant is approaching soon.

Use the form below to apply today.

Route to Reading

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